Remedial property and Herbs Usage
Энэ хэсэгт Та зовиур эмгэгийн талаар тодорхой бөгөөд товч мэдээлэл авах боломжтой.
“Зовиур эмгэг” гэдэгт дааврын ба хүчил, шүлтийн тэнцвэр алдагдах үеийн шинж тэмдэг (жишээ нь үс бууралтах) эсвэл тодорхой өвчнийг хамаруулан ойлгоно.
Эдгээр өвчин, шинж тэмдгийг АЗӨ, арьсны өвчин, ауто дархлааны өвчин гэх мэт 10 ангилалд хувааж, байгалийн аргаар илааршуулах анагаах ухааныг үндэслэн, юунаас болж өвдсөн, ямар хоол унд, эмийн ургамал хэрэглэх эсвэл зайлсхийх, цаашдаа юун дээр илүүтэй анхаарахыг зөвлөнө.
Түүнчлэн энэ хэсэгт, ургамлын нэрс, тэдгээрийн эмзүйн үйлдлийг тусгасан байна. Жишээ нь, шээс туух үйлдэлтэй 160 гаруй ургамал эсвэл ургамлын цомгийг цагаан толгойн үсгийн дэс дарааллаар байрлуулсан бна. Ургамлын эмзүйн чадлын зэрэглэлийг харгзалзан эмийн үйлдлийг 3 зэрэгт эрэмбэлсэн байна.
Та өөрийн сонирхсон мэдээллээ баруун гар талд байрлах хайлтын цонхонд бичиж хайвал цаг хэмнэнэ.
Сонирхсон эмийн ургамал дээрээ “Click” хийхэд түүнийг юунд, хэрхэн хэрэглэх арга, орц найрлагын талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл цаанаас нь гарна.
Гэхдээ эцсийн сонголтыг хийхдээ манай сайтанд байгаа эрүүл мэндийн асуулга бөглөж илгээвэл, яг Танд таарах хариу зөвлөгөөг хүлээн авна.
- Autoimmune diseases (13)
- Bronchial asthma (170)
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (13)
- Psoriasis (101)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (236)
- Sjogren’s syndrome (6)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (54)
- Vasculitis (41)
- Vitiligo (65)
- Bleeding gums (6)
- Bone Marrow Diseases (2)
- Bone Spurs (57)
- Bone fractures (106)
- Bones crunch (1)
- Brucellosis (Malta fever) (20)
- Calcium deposits (3)
- Muscle atrophy (4)
- Osteoarthritis (OA) (91)
- Osteochondrosis (36)
- Osteomyelitis (13)
- Osteoporosis (74)
- Osteosarcoma (2)
- Physical inactivity (25)
- Rickets (47)
- Sensitive teeth (receding gums) (63)
- Tooth decay (19)
- Toothache (58)
- Whiting the teeth (9)
- Арьс, мах битүү гэмтэх, бэртэх (25)
- Мах тасрах (23)
- Хэвлий, цавиар өвдөх (27)
- Ясны бороололт, яс барилдуулах (43)
- Ясны сүрьеэ (16)
- Өвдөг, тохой, хөл, бугуйны үеүд муруйх, майга болох (0)
- Acidosis (267)
- Adhesions of the small intestine (2)
- Albuminuria (18)
- Angiocholitis (6)
- Anorexia (54)
- Anti-Klebsiella pneumoniae Herbal Antibiotics (12)
- Anti-Micrococcus Herbal antibiotics (9)
- Anti-Shigella Herbal Antibiotics (5)
- Appendicitis (4)
- Ascites (29)
- Atonic dyspepsia (91)
- Atonic intestine (1)
- Atrophic gastritis (2)
- Bacillus bacteria (38)
- Bad breath (55)
- Bedwetting (incontinence) (37)
- Being enlarged and puffy tongue (1)
- Belching (13)
- Biliary Dyskinesia (26)
- Bladder Wall Thickening (8)
- Bladder adhesions (3)
- Bladder papillomatosis (5)
- Botulism (0)
- Brash, heartburn (8)
- Burning when urinating (6)
- Cancer of the spleen (22)
- Celiac diseases (8)
- Cholera (10)
- Cholestasis (58)
- Chronic hepatitis (212)
- Cirrhosis of the liver (154)
- Cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract (40)
- Clostridium (1)
- Cloudy urine (8)
- Coated tongue (6)
- Colitis (151)
- Colorectal cancer (122)
- Congestive hepatopathy (82)
- Constipation (200)
- Crohn’s Disease (14)
- Cystitis (173)
- Darker urine (12)
- Defecation with blood (4)
- Degeneration of the salivary glands (1)
- Dehydration (5)
- Descent of the bladder (1)
- Desquamation (1)
- Discomfort and Pain around the anus (1)
- Diverticulosis (3)
- Dry mouth (16)
- During the booze of alcoholic beverages (17)
- Dysbiosis (Leaky Gut) (178)
- Dysuria (41)
- Echinococcosis of the liver (17)
- Enterococcus infection (37)
- Enuresis (22)
- Escherichia coli (E-coli) (60)
- Excessive salivation (15)
- Fatty liver (181)
- Fibrosis of the kidney (Renal fibrosis) (2)
- Flatulence (81)
- Foamy urine (1)
- Food allergies (102)
- Frequent urge to urinate (15)
- Gallbladder cholesterosis (68)
- Gallbladder polyps (67)
- Gallstone (91)
- Gastralgia (22)
- Gastritis (212)
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) (113)
- Gnawing pain in stomach (1)
- Greasy stools (3)
- HCV infection (55)
- Hangover (1)
- Heartburn (31)
- Helicobacter pylori (113)
- Hemangioma (5)
- Hepatic artery aneurysm (1)
- Hepatic calcifications (41)
- Hepatitis “B” virus (54)
- Hepatocellular adenoma (3)
- Hepatomegalia (14)
- Hepatoprotective (52)
- Idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (IRPG) (40)
- If sensitive to the herb and any ingredient (191)
- Increase leukocytes in urine (11)
- Indigestion (36)
- Intestinal tuberculosis (13)
- Intoxication (47)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (43)
- Jaundice (3)
- Kidney Shrinkage (37)
- Kidney tuberculosis (6)
- Kinked gallbladder (7)
- Lactose intolerance (7)
- Listeria monocytogenes (11)
- Liver cancer (126)
- Liver failure (11)
- May aggravate chronic illness (48)
- Mushroom Intoxication (12)
- Nauseating (88)
- Nephritic syndrome (15)
- Nephritic syndrome (127)
- Nephritis (303)
- Nephrolithiasis (151)
- Nephromegaly (1)
- Nephroptosis (16)
- Nephrosclerosis (1)
- Nephrotic syndrome (91)
- Overeating (bulimia) (7)
- Pain in the right hypochondrium (2)
- Pancreatic cancer (28)
- Pancreatic cystic neoplasms (2)
- Pancreatitis (179)
- Paraproctitis (4)
- Peptic and Esophagus Ulcers (198)
- Peritonitis (5)
- Polycystic kidney disease (49)
- Prescription drugs and injections (175)
- Proctitis (14)
- Prostate cancer (64)
- Proteus vulgaris caused diseases and Anti-Proteus Herbal Antibiotics (12)
- Protozoal infection (4)
- Pseudomonas caused Diseases (50)
- Pyelonephritis (160)
- Redness of palm (1)
- Reduces serum creatinine levels (13)
- Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (3)
- Renal failure (60)
- Selenium deficiency (69)
- Serratia marscences infection (1)
- Sluggish Liver (232)
- Sour taste in the mouth (6)
- Splenic epithelial cysts (1)
- Splenomegaly (64)
- Stomach Polypus (28)
- Stomach cancer (128)
- Streptococcal Infections (191)
- Subcapsular renal hematoma (12)
- Tenesmus (1)
- Thirsty (1)
- Thrombosed Hemorrhoids (159)
- Typhoid fever (18)
- UTI and STI (146)
- Urethra inflammation (40)
- Urinary retention (35)
- Urine retention (1)
- Vomiting (32)
- dysentery (74)
- hernia (14)
- Бүдүүн гэдэсний ур буюу уйланхай (33)
- Бүдүүн гэдэсний шархлаа (56)
- Гэдэс /дотрыг/ цэвэрлэх (6)
- Гэдэс гүйлгэх, өвдөх (166)
- Давсагны хүүдийнд элс, чулуу үүсэх, (96)
- Дэлүүний үрэвсэл (46)
- Мөнгөн усны хордлого тайлах (19)
- Нарийн гэдэсний үрэвсэл (41)
- Нохой бөөс зэрэг амьтны нянгаар үүсгэгдсэн өвчин (typhus) (2)
- Улаан хоолойн хорт хавдар, түүнээс сэргийлэх (42)
- Урчание (1)
- Ходоод гэдэсний салст бүрхэвчийн үрэвсэл (40)
- Ходоод цанхайж өвдөх (28)
- Ходоодны доод хэсгийн архаг үрэвсэл (6)
- Хордлого амархан авах (2)
- Хүнд металлын хордлого тайлах (37)
- Цөсний хүүдий, элэгний үрэвсэл (133)
- Цөсний хүүдийн үрэвсэл (146)
- Шар тайлах, архины хордлого гаргах (27)
- Шар өвчин (50)
- Элэг, цөсний хүүдийн үрэвсэл (156)
- Өглөөдөө бие хүндрэх, (7)
- Өлсөхийг мэдрэхгүй байх (0)
- Acanthosis nigricans (10)
- Adiponectin hormone deficiency (22)
- Adrenal cancer (1)
- Adrenal fatigue (160)
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (3)
- Androgen excess (74)
- Androgenetic alopecia (29)
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (0)
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) (178)
- Bulging eyes (3)
- Chronic fatigue, easily tired (134)
- Corticosteroid hormone deficiency (1)
- Cortisol (9)
- Cushing’s disease (17)
- Decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (0)
- Dehydroepiandrosterone hormones – DHEA (4)
- Diabetes (323)
- Diabetic nephropathy (5)
- Diabetic neuropathy (6)
- Diabetic retinopathy (3)
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (15)
- Dopamine hormone (1)
- Ecdysterone (2)
- Endometriosis (116)
- Endorphin hormone (0)
- Erectile dysfunction (ED) (166)
- Estrogen deficiency (33)
- Estrogen dominence (190)
- Excess estrogen (3)
- Excessive sweating (43)
- Fibromyalgia (FMS) (76)
- Follicle-stimulating hormone-FSH (1)
- Glucagon peptide hormone (0)
- Glycogen (0)
- Goiter (13)
- Growth hormone deficiency (7)
- Gynecomastia (3)
- Hair loss (99)
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (13)
- Hirsutism (9)
- Hormonal imbalance or changes (24)
- Hormone Booster (7)
- Hot flashes (5)
- Hyperinsulinemia (4)
- Hyperthyroidism (79)
- Hypoglycemia (17)
- Hypothyroidism (235)
- Insulin resistance (34)
- Lack of sexual interest (22)
- Leptin and ghrelin (2)
- Low Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (11)
- Luteinizing Hormone Deficiency (2)
- Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH) (3)
- Melatonin (3)
- Obesity (133)
- Oxytocin hormone (0)
- Pancreatic Protective (14)
- Phytosterols (0)
- Pituitary disease (6)
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) (119)
- Progesterone deficiency (133)
- Prolactin excess (14)
- Serotonin Deficiency (86)
- Sex hormone–binding globulin – SHBG (1)
- Testosterone (6)
- Thyroid cancer (1)
- Transcortin (0)
- Traumatic adrenal gland injury (3)
- Urinary 2-hydroxyestrone (1)
- Гар, хөл даарах (20)
- Гар, хөл халуу шатах (8)
- Дофамин даавар (1)
- Чихэр, давст дурлах (4)
- Anemia (171)
- Blood loss (131)
- Bradycardia (15)
- Cardiac arrhythmia (65)
- Cardiac asthma (4)
- Cardiac neurosis (29)
- Cardiac sclerosis (55)
- Cardiomegaly (32)
- Cardiovascular diseases (124)
- Cerebral aneurysm (13)
- Congested Blood Vessels (34)
- Congestive Heart failure (45)
- Edema from the heart origin (53)
- Endarteritis (3)
- Endocarditis (16)
- Extrasystolia (9)
- Haemopathy (7)
- Hemoglobin (Hb or Hgb) (12)
- Hemophilia (2)
- High levels of Cholesterol and Triglyceride (244)
- Hypertension (298)
- Hypotonia (49)
- Increase blood clotting (23)
- Intermittent claudication (6)
- Intimal hyperplasia (1)
- Ischemic heart disease (68)
- Leukaemia (59)
- Myocardial infarction (50)
- Myocarditis (6)
- Nose bleeding (48)
- Pathological holes in the septum between the two atria (2)
- Pericarditis (3)
- Peripheral arterial occlusion (PAO) (2)
- Purifying blood (143)
- Reverse Hardened Arteries (163)
- Septicemia (8)
- Shortness of breath (42)
- Stroke and Paresis (88)
- Tachycardia (80)
- Thrombocytopenia (37)
- Thromboembolism (2)
- Thrombophlebitis (86)
- Thromboses after coronary artery bypass grafting CABG (11)
- Tissue necrosis (1)
- Varicose veins (98)
- Vasodilatory activity (19)
- Зүрх дэлсэх (60)
- Зүрхний булчинг сайжруулах, тэжээлийн дутагдалд орох (54)
- Зүрхний титэм судасны өвчин (21)
- Зүрхээр хатгуулах буюу зүрхний бах (74)
- Облитерирующий эндартериит (17)
- Тархины цусан хангамжийн дутагдал (12)
- Amyloidosis (1)
- Clogged Lymphatic System (64)
- Edema (61)
- Elephantiasis (6)
- Gaucher disease (1)
- Glycogen storage disease (GSD) (4)
- Hematoma (14)
- Inflammation of a blood vessel or lymph duct (Angiitis) (8)
- Lymphadenopathia (58)
- Lymphoma (11)
- Sarcoidosis (3)
- Scrofula (1)
- Тунгалгын зогсонгшил (43)
- Addictions (14)
- Age-related macular degeneration (2)
- Age-related sleep changes (1)
- Albugo eye (1)
- Alcoholism (19)
- Alzheimer’s disease (33)
- Anxiety (154)
- Arachnoid cysts on the Brain (9)
- Arachnoiditis (6)
- Back gets cold (1)
- Blepharitis (3)
- Bloodshot eyes (18)
- Brain fog (22)
- Catalepsy (1)
- Cataracts (16)
- Chest pain (8)
- Chronic Stress (156)
- Circadian Rhythms (6)
- Climate change (8)
- Concussion of the brain (2)
- Conjunctivitis (55)
- Convulsions (2)
- Corneal ulceration (5)
- Darkened vision (3)
- Depression (141)
- Dimness of sight (16)
- Discouragement (6)
- Disease of the peripheral nervous system (13)
- Dizziness (53)
- Dry eyes (13)
- Elevated intracranial pressure (7)
- Epilepsy (56)
- Excessive yawning (12)
- Fainting (5)
- Feeling of foreign body in the rectum (1)
- Feeling of heaviness to the anus (10)
- Feverish, cold or chilly (12)
- Glaucoma (39)
- Globus hystericus (25)
- Gout (130)
- Guilt (1)
- Hand tremors (10)
- Headache (138)
- Hepatic encephalopathy (1)
- Herniated discs (5)
- Hurt, Bitterness (5)
- Hyperkinesis (2)
- Hypochondriasis (66)
- Increased nervous excitability (5)
- Insomnia (239)
- Intercostal neuralgia (15)
- Keratitis (1)
- Logoneuroses (1)
- Lose heart (30)
- Loss of smell and taste (1)
- Melancholy diseases (0)
- Meningitis (12)
- Metabolic Syndrome (143)
- Migraine (81)
- Motor Tics (5)
- Multiple sclerosis (7)
- Muscle tension (Chronic pain) (26)
- Muscle twitching (13)
- Myosis (6)
- Neurasthenia (123)
- Neuritis of the facial nerve (39)
- Neurologic pain (12)
- Neurosis (156)
- Night blindness (12)
- Numbness and tingling of hands and feet (14)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
- Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (6)
- Panic attacks (5)
- Panophthalmit (1)
- Parkinson’s disease (PD) (15)
- Powerlessness (1)
- Regret (1)
- Resentment (0)
- Restlessness (2)
- Rheumatic fever (7)
- Schizophrenia (5)
- Sensitivity (hypersensitivity) to noise, light and smell (7)
- Shame (1)
- Snore (16)
- Sorrow (1)
- Stiff Neck (12)
- Tinnitus (40)
- Trachoma (4)
- Trigeminal neuralgia (4)
- Trouble with mobility (4)
- Vegetative Neurosis (VN) (115)
- Vitamins, minerals and food deficiency (100)
- Waking very early in the morning (12)
- Weakness (26)
- encephalitis (18)
- shuffle (2)
- slurred (2)
- Бие мах бодийг хүнд өвчний дараа түргэн тэнхрүүлэх (26)
- Бүсэлхий, дал, мөрөөр өвдөх (18)
- Голын хий өвчин /багтраа/ (1)
- Мартамхай болох (44)
- Нурууны мэдрэлийн ёзоорын үрэвсэл (42)
- Нүд ядарч чилэх (15)
- Нүд үрэвсэх, цагаа буюу үүл арилгах (9)
- Олон удаа үйлдэлээ шалгах (1)
- Сонсголын эмгэг, дүлийрэл (10)
- Хөл янгинаж өвдөх, хөл өвдөх (12)
- Шөрмөс татах, сунах (19)
- Эрүү зуух (0)
- Өвдөг, тохой, бугуй, хурууны үе, шагайгаар хавдах, мойнийх (0)
- Өвчин тусчихлаа гэж айх, үхэхээс айх (5)
- Adenomyosis (3)
- Advance age (17)
- An absence of menstruation (74)
- Androgen excess (74)
- Breastfeeding (132)
- Cancer of the uterus (110)
- Cervical erosion (73)
- Child (under the age of 3-12 years) (111)
- Chlamydia trachomatis Infections (6)
- Colpitis (42)
- Cracked nipples (8)
- Dry skin and vagina (13)
- Dysbacteriosis of the vagina (6)
- Dysmenorrhea (25)
- Eclampsia (13)
- Ectopic pregnancy in women (3)
- Endometritis (1)
- Epididymitis (3)
- Expel the placenta (28)
- Fallopian tube adhesions (2)
- Family heredity (45)
- Fibrocystic breast disease (FBD) (7)
- Frigidity (11)
- Gardnerella vaginalis (62)
- Genital warts (1)
- Heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor (3)
- Heavy menstruation (39)
- Herpes simplex virus infections (HSV) (92)
- Hydrosalpinx Fallopian Tube (40)
- Inflammation of the fallopian tubes (13)
- Intense pain in the perineum (1)
- Iodine deficiency disorders (61)
- Light and Prolonged menstruation (21)
- Malignant tumor of the breast (104)
- Menopause (106)
- Miscarriage (11)
- No ovulation (2)
- Orchitis (9)
- Ovarian adhesions (39)
- Ovarian cancer (49)
- Painful sexual intercourse (11)
- Polyps in the uterus (19)
- Pregnant (214)
- Premature birth (2)
- Premature orgasm or ejaculation (5)
- Prolapsed uterus (12)
- Prostate calcification (43)
- Prostatitis (119)
- Sagging breasts (5)
- Spermatorrhea (4)
- Trichomonas vaginalis (54)
- Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Infection (34)
- Uterine Myomas (142)
- Uterine adhesions (1)
- Vaginal thrush (95)
- ДОХ (6)
- Сав агшаах (11)
- Төрсний дараа хурдан тэнхрэх (6)
- Хүсээгүй жирэмсэлт (6)
- Хөхний өвчин, хөхний үрэвсэл (37)
- Үргүйдэл (87)
- Өндгөвчний дагуурын үрэвсэл (24)
- Өндгөвчний үрэвсэл (52)
- Accumulation of fluid in the lung tissues (14)
- Atrophic pharyngitis (1)
- Bloody blisters in the mouth on the cheek (6)
- Cancer of the lungs (85)
- Catarrh (28)
- Chronic bronchitis (206)
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (72)
- Cold (17)
- Coronavirus disease (47)
- Diphtheria (9)
- Enlarged adenoids (15)
- Expectorant action (140)
- Fever (125)
- Flu (253)
- Hemoptysis (17)
- Hiccough (11)
- Lung Abscess (6)
- Malaria (8)
- Mycobacterium (10)
- Nasal Polyps (20)
- Nasal stuffiness (34)
- Pain with deep breathing (11)
- Pleurisy (24)
- Pneumococcal Infection (3)
- Pneunmonia (129)
- Poisoning by coal gas (1)
- Pulmonary tuberculosis (Phthisis) (165)
- Purulent otitis media (33)
- Seasonal Allergies (125)
- Sneeze (1)
- Staphylococcus Infection (138)
- Subfebrile temperature (1)
- Tonsillitis (276)
- You Have Frequent Colds and Flu (6)
- laryngitis (85)
- sinusitis (71)
- Амны хөндийн салст бүрхэвчийн үрэвсэл (59)
- Амьсгаа давхцах (19)
- Бүгшүүлэн ханиалгах (140)
- Доод замын эмгэг (төвөнхи, мөгөөрсөн хоолой, уушигны үрэвсэл) (95)
- Дээд замын эмгэг (хамар, залгиурын үрэвсэл) (57)
- Тамхинаас гарах (6)
- Уушигны зогсонгшил (8)
- Уушигны хальс үрэвсэх (37)
- Хоолой сөөх (85)
- Хоолой өвдөх (170)
- Хоолойн бах (21)
- Хүчилтөрөгчийн дутагдал (1)
- Anal warts (13)
- Angioma (21)
- Angular cheilitis (10)
- Atopic dermatitis (122)
- Bedsores (23)
- Blush on the cheeks (4)
- Boils, carbuncle (87)
- Bug Bite and Stings (51)
- Burns (107)
- Cellulitis (1)
- Chickenpox (17)
- Cold sores or Herpes (45)
- Degradation of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin (15)
- Desquamation (1)
- Ecthyma gangrenosum (2)
- Eczema (135)
- Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) (5)
- Erysipelas (27)
- Exudative diathesis (75)
- Fissure and cracks on fingers and toes (8)
- Grooves and white spots on the nail (1)
- Hives (53)
- How to prevent a tick bite? (3)
- Impetigo (6)
- Increased sweating feet (8)
- Ingrown toenail (2)
- Itching (103)
- Leanness (12)
- Lichen ruber planus (1)
- Lipomas (18)
- Measles (15)
- Mumps (8)
- Oral thrush (22)
- Pallor of the face (2)
- Panaritium (10)
- Phlegmon (31)
- Pimples (Zits, Spots) (101)
- Possible allergens (18)
- Prurigo Nodularis (PN) (17)
- Scarlatina (14)
- Scleroderma (0)
- Seborrhea (3)
- Shingles (7)
- Shingles (42)
- Skin beauty (59)
- Skin eruptions, rash (37)
- Skin rashes on the fingers (0)
- Skin tags (19)
- Smallpox (3)
- Sun Allergу (17)
- Sunlight Deficiency (1)
- Toenail fungus (203)
- Wrinkle (13)
- Ам гэмтэх (35)
- Арьс арчилгаа (52)
- Арьсны хорт хавдар /хавлуур хавдар буюу меланома/ (54)
- Арьсны эмгэг (22)
- Наранд түлэгдэх, наранд цохиулах (22)
- Нүдэнд өвдөг гарах (6)
- Сэвхи, толбо (26)
- Хамуу, маажуур (5)
- Хар толбо, насны толбо (13)
- Хулмас (2)
- Хумсаа бэхжүүлэх (хумс хугарах) (20)
- Хүйтний харшил (3)
- Хөлдөлт (16)
- Цахлайтах (4)
- Эвэр ургах (6)
- Үс бууралтах (13)
- Үсний хаг арилгах (36)
- Үү ургах (19)