Stomach cancer
Ходоодны хорт хавдар (монгол)
рак желудка или злокачественный опухоль (ру́сский)
Тumor malignus, carcinoma (latīna)
Possible common causes
Product usage indication and contraindication
Alpine bistort
Anise Seeds
Barberry Berry, Leaf and Crust
Bay Leaf
Berry Blend including Cranberry
Burdock RT
Cardаmom Seeds Powder
Chamomile flower
Chinese Star Anise Seeds
Chinese Аngelica Root
Clinker Polypore
Columbine aeroparts
Common Agrimony Aeroparts
Extra virgin olive oil and Olives
Fennel Seeds
Foxtail-like Sophora Root
Giant Leucopax Mushroom
Grape Seed Oil
Grass of Parnassus
Gray Alder
Great Plantain Leaf and Seeds
Greater Celandine Flowers and Leaf
Greater Celandine Oil
Herbal Blend including Altain Honeysuckle
Herbal Blend including Barbed Gentian
Herbal Blend including Birch Shelf Fungus
Herbal Blend including Blackberry
Herbal Blend including Cacalia hastata
Herbal Blend including Caraway Fruits
Herbal Blend including Chinese Thoroughwax
Herbal Blend including Common Tormentil
Herbal Blend including Globe Artichoke
Herbal Blend including Hop cones
Herbal Blend including Iris
Herbal Blend including Knotweed
Herbal Blend including Leather Bergenia
Herbal Blend including Milk Thistle
Herbal Blend including Peony
Herbal Blend including Pomegranate Peel
Herbal Blend including Puncture Vine
Herbal Blend including Rose Rhodiola
Herbal Blend including Rowan Berry
Herbal Blend including Siberian Currant
Herbal Blend including Tiger Lily
Herbal Blend including White Willow
Herbal Composite Formula including Cowberry
Herbal Formula including Anise
Herbal Formula including Birch Mushroom
Herbal Formula including Erect Hypecoum
Herbal Formula including Fireweed
Herbal Formula including Foursplit Rhodiola
Herbal Formula including Hawthorn
Herbal Formula including Hemp-nettle
Herbal Formula including Jacob’s ladders
Herbal Formula including Nutmeg
Herbal Formula including Parsley
Herbal Formula including Potentilla viscose
Herbal Formula including Quaking Aspen
Herbal Formula including Roselle
Herbal Formula including Siberian Atragene
Herbal Formula including Siberian Cedar and Fireweed
Herbal Formula including Spinach
Herbal Formula including St. John’s Wort
Herbal Formula including Twin flower Skullcap
Herbal Formulas including Barberry
Herbal Tincture including Wild Onion
High Mallow Flowers and Leaf
Hop cones
Horse Tail
Infused Pine Needle Oil
Japanese Catnip
Jerusalem artichoke
Larch Bolete
Licorice Natural Blend
Licorice root
Lupine Clover Flowers and Leaf
Maral root
Marsh Cinquefoil aerial part
Milk Thistle Seeds, Leaf and Oil
Natural red wine vinegar
Oak Bark
Oregano Natural Blends
Oregano infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Organic Medicated Garlic Vinegar with mother
Organic Medicated Raspberry Vinegar
Organic Medicated Rhubarb Vinegar
Orostachys aero parts
Padma Natural Blend
Parsley Seeds and Leaf
Parsnip Root
Peony Flowers and Rt
Peppermint Leaf
Peppermint Natural Blend
Pipsissewa Flowers and Leaf
Potentilla viscose
Puncture Vine Aeroparts
Rhubarb Root and Stem
Rice Bran Oil
Rose Rhodiola Root
Round-leaved Wintergreen
Scorzonera divaricata Aerial Parts
Sesame Seeds and Oil
Shrubby Cinquefoil
Siberian Atragene
Siberian Pine
Small daylily flower, leaf
Solomon’s seal
Stinging Nettle Oil
Stinging nettle Leaf and Seeds
Sweet Basil Leaf
Thyme flower and leaf
Tinder Polypore
Turkey tail
Uniflower Swiss Centaury
Vervain Natural Blend
Welted Thistle Rt, Leaf and Flowers
White Clover Leaf and Flowers
White Deadnettle Aeroparts
Wild Celery Leaf
Wild Celery Natural Blend
Wormwood Herb
Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээний өндөр үр дүнтэй бөгөөд эрдэм шинжилгээний туршилт, судалгаагаар нотлогдсон болохыг илэрхийлнэ.
Ийм тэмдэг нь хүний биед сайн нөлөөтэй гэдэг нь судалгаагаар нотлогдсон. Гэхдээ бүхэл ургамлын хувьд авч үзвэл 3 одтой бүтээгдэхүүнийг арай гүйцэхгүй аж.
Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээ, шим тэжээлийн эерэг үр дүнтэй болохыг илэрхийлнэ. Голдуу ардын уламжлалт практикт олон зуун жилийн турш өргөн хэрэглэгддэг туршлагатай. Туршилтын амьтан дээр судлагдаж сайн нь тогтоогдсон. Өчигдрийн ардын эмчилгээнд хэрэглэдэг байсан эмийн ургамал өнөөдөр шинжлэх ухаанаар нотлогдсон эмчилгээ болдог гэдгийг санаандаа авбал зохино.
Possibly not recommended for some cases.
Contraindicated for cases diagnosed by doctor.