Түлэнхий (монгол)
Ожоги (ру́сский)
Possible common causes
Possible common signs and symptoms
Product usage indication and contraindication
Aloe vera
Alpine bistort
Altain Honeysuckle Fruits, leaf and Bark
Anti-Wrnkle and Cosmetic Herbal Cream
Bath Salt with Trifidbeggar-ticks
Beard lichens
Bee Propolis Tincture
Beet Greens
Bilberry Leaf and Shoots
Birch Lichen
Black Chokeberry
Body Cleansing Tansy Natural Formula
Burr Marigold Oil
Burr Marigold
Calendula Oil Infusions
Camelina Oil
Carrot Greens
Castor oil
Chamomile flower
Columbine aeroparts
Common Lavender Flowers
Coriander Seeds and Cilantro
Fevertree Leaf
Fireweed Leaf
Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil
Grape Seed Oil
Gray Alder
Great Plantain Leaf and Seeds
Greater Celandine Flowers and Leaf
Greater Celandine Oil
Herbal Blend including Barbed Gentian
Herbal Blend including Cacalia hastata
Herbal Blend including Coriander
Herbal Blend including Knotweed
Herbal Blend including Pear
Herbal Blend including Peony
Herbal Blend including Rose Hips
Herbal Blend including Three-part Beggarticks
Herbal Blend including Tiger Lily
Herbal Blend including White Willow
Herbal Formula including Pine Pollen
Herbal Formula including Potentilla viscose
Herbal Formula including Sea Buckthorn
Herbal Formula including Siberian Cedar and Fireweed
Herbal Formula including Yarrow
Herbal Tincture including Pine Resin
High Mallow Flowers and Leaf
Infused Pine Needle Oil
Iris Rt
Japanese Pagoda Tree Fruits
Jujube Fruits
Lady’s Bedstraw aero parts
Large leaf Gentian
Lavender Natural Blend
Linden Flowers or Lime blossoms
Longleaf Speedwell Above Ground Part
Lupine Clover Flowers and Leaf
Marsh Marigold
Meadow Cranesbill Flowers and Leaf
Meadow salsify leaf, stalk and roots
Medic Burnet Flowers, Leaf and Root
Medicated Vinegar for Heart Disease
Mongolian Sweetvetch aeroparts
Natural Apple Cider Vinegar
Natural red wine vinegar
Oak Bark
Oat Grains and Oat Straw
Organic Medicated Garlic Vinegar with mother
Organic Medicated Rhubarb Vinegar
Orostachys aero parts
Pallasii Spurge Rt and above ground parts
Pasque Flower
Peppermint Leaf
Red Bush Tea
Rhubarb Root and Stem
Scotch Pine Needles
Sea Buckthorn Berries, Oil, Leaf, Bud and Bark
Sesame Seeds and Oil
Siberian Nitraria Fruits and Leaf
Silver Speedwell
Slippery Elm Bark
Small daylily flower, leaf
St. John’s Wort
Stone Lichenes
Syrian Rue Aeroparts
Turmeric Root
Twinflower Skullcap Aero Parts
Unrefined Coconut oil, Coconut Meat
Unrefined Sunflower Oil
Vervain Flowers and Leaf
Vervain Natural Blend
Yellow-flowered Alfalfa flower and leaf
Байгалийн ванна
Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээний өндөр үр дүнтэй бөгөөд эрдэм шинжилгээний туршилт, судалгаагаар нотлогдсон болохыг илэрхийлнэ.
Ийм тэмдэг нь хүний биед сайн нөлөөтэй гэдэг нь судалгаагаар нотлогдсон. Гэхдээ бүхэл ургамлын хувьд авч үзвэл 3 одтой бүтээгдэхүүнийг арай гүйцэхгүй аж.
Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээ, шим тэжээлийн эерэг үр дүнтэй болохыг илэрхийлнэ. Голдуу ардын уламжлалт практикт олон зуун жилийн турш өргөн хэрэглэгддэг туршлагатай. Туршилтын амьтан дээр судлагдаж сайн нь тогтоогдсон. Өчигдрийн ардын эмчилгээнд хэрэглэдэг байсан эмийн ургамал өнөөдөр шинжлэх ухаанаар нотлогдсон эмчилгээ болдог гэдгийг санаандаа авбал зохино.
Possibly not recommended for some cases.
Contraindicated for cases diagnosed by doctor.