Bone fractures
Яс, зөөлөн эдийн бэртэнгэ (монгол)
Перелом костей (ру́сский)
Possible common signs and symptoms
- Bone Spurs
- Fibromyalgia (FMS)
- Myosis
- Osteoarthritis (OA)
- Prostatitis
- Splenomegaly
- Stiff Neck
- Vegetative Neurosis (VN)
Product usage indication and contraindication
Agriophyllum Pungens Seed Powder
Aizoon Stonecrop
Alpine bistort
Arctic Poppy
Barberry Berry, Leaf and Crust
Bay Leaf
Bee Propolis Tincture
Berry Blend including Cranberry
Birch Leaf and Inner and outer Bark
Black Crowberry Berry and Leaf
British Yellowhead
Broadleaf Globethistle
Burr Marigold
Cacalia Leaf
Calendula Oil Infusions
Columbine aeroparts
Copper Magnetic Bracelet
Cynomorium Stem
Dehydrated Mushrooms
Dense leaf Crazyweed
Fetid Dragonhead
Foursplit Rhodiola Rt (RQ)
Giant Leucopax Mushroom
Golden Ball Turnip greens
Herbal Blend including Blackberry
Herbal Blend including Pomegranate Peel
Herbal Blend including Rhubarb
Herbal Blend including Rose Hips
Herbal Blend including Rowan Berry
Herbal Blend including Three-part Beggarticks
Herbal Blend including White Willow
Herbal Formula including Bird Cherry Tree Berry
Herbal Formula including Burdock
Herbal Formula including Chamomile
Herbal Formula including Corn Silk
Herbal Formula including Erect Hypecoum
Herbal Formula including Fireweed
Herbal Formula including Foursplit Rhodiola
Herbal Formula including Jacob’s ladders
Herbal Formula including Oats
Herbal Formula including Seaweed
Herbal Formula including Small Meadow Rue
Herbal Formula including St. John’s Wort
Herbal Formula including Uniflower Swiss Centaury
Herbal Tincture including Japanese Pagoda Tree
Herbal Tincture including Pine Resin
Herbal tincture including Greater Celandine
Horse Tail
Larchleaf Saltwort
Large leaf Gentian
Lemon and Lemon Peels
Long Hair Anemone
Longleaf Speedwell Above Ground Part
Magnificent Pink
Maral root
Marsh Cinquefoil aerial part
Marsh tea
Masterwort Ointment
Meadow Cranesbill Flowers and Leaf
Mongolian Chives
Mongolian Sweetvetch aeroparts
Oat Grains and Oat Straw
Organic Medicated Dandelion Vinegar
Organic Medicated Longleaf Speedwell Vinegar
Organic Medicated Raspberry Vinegar
Organic Medicated Rhubarb Vinegar
Orostachys aero parts
Pasque Flower
Peony Flowers and Rt
Rhubarb Root and Stem
Rice Bran Oil
Rose Hip Berry and Flowers and Leaf
Rose Rhodiola Root
Rowan Berry
Siberian Meadow Sweet
Siberian Nitraria Fruits and Leaf
Silver Speedwell
Slippery Elm Bark
Small Meadow Rue Above Ground Parts
Solomon’s seal
St. John’s Wort
Stinging nettle Leaf and Seeds
Tiger Lily Buds and Bulbs
Tumbleweed Bracts
Uniflower Swiss Centaury
Vervain Flowers and Leaf
Welted Thistle Rt, Leaf and Flowers
White Willow Bark and Leaf
Wormwood Herb
Байгалийн ванна
Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээний өндөр үр дүнтэй бөгөөд эрдэм шинжилгээний туршилт, судалгаагаар нотлогдсон болохыг илэрхийлнэ.
Ийм тэмдэг нь хүний биед сайн нөлөөтэй гэдэг нь судалгаагаар нотлогдсон. Гэхдээ бүхэл ургамлын хувьд авч үзвэл 3 одтой бүтээгдэхүүнийг арай гүйцэхгүй аж.
Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээ, шим тэжээлийн эерэг үр дүнтэй болохыг илэрхийлнэ. Голдуу ардын уламжлалт практикт олон зуун жилийн турш өргөн хэрэглэгддэг туршлагатай. Туршилтын амьтан дээр судлагдаж сайн нь тогтоогдсон. Өчигдрийн ардын эмчилгээнд хэрэглэдэг байсан эмийн ургамал өнөөдөр шинжлэх ухаанаар нотлогдсон эмчилгээ болдог гэдгийг санаандаа авбал зохино.
Possibly not recommended for some cases.
Contraindicated for cases diagnosed by doctor.