Гэдэс гүйлгэх, өвдөх
Possible common causes
Possible common signs and symptoms
Herbs usage indication or contraindication
- Aizoon Stonecrop
- Allspice Fruits
- Alpine bistort
- Altain Honeysuckle Fruits, leaf and Bark
- Arctic Poppy
- Ashwagandha RT
- Asian rice
- Barbed Gentian Above Ground Parts
- Barberry Berry, Leaf and Crust
- Barley
- Beard lichens
- Bee Nest Tincture
- Bee Pollen
- Bilberry Leaf and Shoots
- Birch Lichen
- Bird Cherry Fruits, Leaf and Bark
- Black Chokeberry
- Black Crowberry Berry and Leaf
- Black Currant Leaf and Berry
- Black Pepper
- Blackberry Leaf
- Bloodres Hawthorn Fruits, Leaf and Tincture
- British Yellowhead
- Carrot Greens
- Carrot
- Chamomile flower
- Chinese Star Anise Seeds
- Chinese Аngelica Root
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Coix lacryma-jobi L.
- Common Agrimony Aeroparts
- Cowberry
- Cumin Seeds
- Cynomorium Stem
- Dehydrated Mushrooms
- Dogwood Fruit (Cornus fruit, Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit)
- Edelweiss
- English Walnut Shells and Internal Partitions
- English Walnut
- Erect Hypecoum
- Fennel Seeds
- Fetid Dragonhead
- Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil
- Foxtail-like Sophora Root
- Giant Cotton Thistle Leaf
- Ginger Root
- Gray Alder
- Great Plantain Leaf and Seeds
- Hazelnut hard shell
- Herbal Blend including Anise Seeds
- Herbal Blend including Barbed Gentian
- Herbal Blend including Knotweed
- Herbal Blend including Leather Bergenia
- Herbal Blend including Pasque flower
- Herbal Blend including Rhubarb
- Herbal Formula including Angelica archangelica
- Herbal Formula including Astragalus
- Herbal Formula including Bird Cherry Tree Berry
- Herbal Formula including Blackcurrant
- Herbal Formula including Medic Burnet
- Herbal Formula including Quaking Aspen
- Herbal Formula including Raspberry
- Herbal Formula including Schizonepeta
- Herbal Formula including Small Meadow Rue
- Herbal Formula including St. John’s Wort
- Herbal Formula including Stinging nettle
- Herbal Formula including Strawberry
- Herbal Formula including Thyme
- Herbal Formula including Twin flower Skullcap
- Herbal Formula including Yarrow
- High Mallow Flowers and Leaf
- Hop cones
- Horseradish Root
- Iris Rt
- Japanese Catnip
- Jujube Fruits
- Large leaf Gentian
- Linden Flowers or Lime blossoms
- Longleaf Speedwell Above Ground Part
- Marsh Cinquefoil aerial part
- Marsh Marigold
- Marsh tea
- Meadow Cranesbill Flowers and Leaf
- Meadow salsify leaf, stalk and roots
- Medic Burnet Flowers, Leaf and Root
- Milk Thistle Seeds, Leaf and Oil
- Motherwort
- Narrow leaved rattle
- Nutmeg
- Oak Bark
- Oregano leaf
- Orostachys aero parts
- Padma Natural Blend
- Pasque Flower
- Peony Flowers and Rt
- Peppermint Leaf
- Pomegranate
- Potentilla viscose
- Probiotics
- Puncture Vine Aeroparts
- Quaking Aspen Buds, Leaf and Bark
- Raspberry Leaf
- Red Bush Tea
- Rose Rhodiola Root
- Scorzonera divaricata Aerial Parts
- Sea Buckthorn Berries, Oil, Leaf, Bud and Bark
- Shrubby Cinquefoil
- Siberian Atragene
- Siberian Currant Aerial Parts
- Siberian Larch Needle-like leaves
- Siberian Meadow Sweet
- Siberian crabapple Fruits and Leaf
- Silver Speedwell
- Silverweed
- Slippery Elm Bark
- Small Meadow Rue Above Ground Parts
- St. John’s Wort
- Stone Bramble Leaf
- Stone Lichenes
- Strawberry leaf
- Sweet Cherry
- Thyme Infused Olive Oil
- Thyme flower and leaf
- True Cardаmom Seeds Powder
- Turkey tail
- Turmeric Root
- Twinflower Skullcap Aero Parts
- Vervain Flowers and Leaf
- White Deadnettle Aeroparts
- White Spruce Needles
- White Willow Bark and Leaf
- Wild Gentian
- Winter Blooming Bergenia Rt and Leaf
- Wormwood Herb
- Yarrow
- Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээний өндөр үр дүнтэй бөгөөд эрдэм шинжилгээний туршилт, судалгаагаар нотлогдсон болохыг илэрхийлнэ.
- Ийм тэмдэг нь хүний биед сайн нөлөөтэй гэдэг нь судалгаагаар нотлогдсон. Гэхдээ бүхэл ургамлын хувьд авч үзвэл 3 одтой бүтээгдэхүүнийг арай гүйцэхгүй аж.
- Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээ, шим тэжээлийн эерэг үр дүнтэй болохыг илэрхийлнэ. Голдуу ардын уламжлалт практикт олон зуун жилийн турш өргөн хэрэглэгддэг туршлагатай. Туршилтын амьтан дээр судлагдаж сайн нь тогтоогдсон. Өчигдрийн ардын эмчилгээнд хэрэглэдэг байсан эмийн ургамал өнөөдөр шинжлэх ухаанаар нотлогдсон эмчилгээ болдог гэдгийг санаандаа авбал зохино.
- Not recommended (contraindication).
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