Хоол унд: Ер нь хоол болон амьдралын хэв шинжийг бүрэн өөрчлөх хэрэгтэй. Хоолоо бага багаар олон удаа идэх хэрэгтэй бна. Цагаан будааны болон бусад үр тарианы кааш, хулуу, аарц, цул мах, тахиа, загасны мах, маалингын үр, тос /6 сар иднэ/, шош, вандуй, үр тариа, анисны жимс, цангис жимсний шүүс, нохойн хошуу, үхрийн нүд, бүйлс зэрэг жимс, хүнсний ногоо, сармис, сонгино идэж байвал сайн.
Аминдэм, эрдэс бодис: кальци, маалингын тос, загасны тос, “С”, “А”, “Е” аминдэм.
Сувиллын чанартай зөвлөмж (Treatment strategy–TS): Эмчилгээ, сувилгаа нь үрэвсэл дарах, хаван, цусны даралт бууруулах, нян, вирус устгах, шээс туух, бөөр, шээс, бэлгийн замыг цэвэршүүлэх, өвдөлт намжаах, давсны хэрэглээг хязгаарлах, биеийн жингээ барихад чиглэгдэж байвал зохино.
Түүнчлэн давсгүй хоол идэх, өөх тос, шингэн юм, уураг ихтэй хоолоо хязгаарлах, уурлаж бухимдахгүй байхыг хичээх хэрэгтэй.
Бөөрний 6 найзад тааламжтай гутал өмсөх, хөлийнхөө улыг чийрэгжүүлэх, хөнжлийн даавуугаа жинхэнэ хөвөн даавуугаар сонгох, зүйзохистой хооллох, шээс хөөх ургамал уух, түүнчлэн рашаан ууж байх хамаарах аж.
Өдрийн дэглэм сайн баримтлах, биеийн тамир хийх, спорт, йога, бясалгалаар хичээллэх хэрэгтэй.
Өдөрт ядахдаа 30 минутын дасгал хийнэ. Ургамлын халуун ваннанд сууж болно. /хусны навч, сөөгөн боролзгоно гэх мэт/
Зайлсхийвэл зохих зүйлс: Хийжүүлсэн ундаа, шар буурцагны цуу, калийн бэлдмэл, шоколад, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн, газрын самар, пицца, бяслаг, түүхий сүү, өндөг.
Possible common causes
Possible common signs and symptoms
Herbs usage indication or contraindication
- Addictive and Stimulant Foods
- Aerial part of Hogweed
- Aero Parts of Mongolian Pheasant’s Eye
- Agarikon
- Agriophyllum Pungens Seed Powder
- Aizoon Stonecrop
- Allspice Fruits Natural Blend
- Alpine bistort
- Altain Honeysuckle Fruits, leaf and Bark
- Anti-Insomnia & Hypertension Herbal Formula
- Aster alpinus
- Astragalus
- Banana
- Barbed Gentian Above Ground Parts
- Barberry Berry, Leaf and Crust
- Barley
- Bay Leaf
- Bee Nest Tincture
- Berry Blend including Cranberry
- Bigflower Beancaper Aeroparts
- Birch Leaf and Inner and outer Bark
- Birch Lichen
- Bird Cherry Fruits, Leaf and Bark
- Black Chokeberry
- Black Crowberry Berry and Leaf
- Black Currant Leaf and Berry
- Black Pepper
- Blackberry Leaf
- Body Cleansing Natural Formula
- Buckwheat
- Burdock RT
- Burr Marigold
- Calendula Oil Infusions
- Chicory
- Chinese Star Anise Seeds
- Chinese Аngelica Root
- Clinker Polypore
- Columbine aeroparts
- Common Agrimony Aeroparts
- Coriander Seeds and Cilantro
- Corn and Corn Silk
- Cowberry
- Cranberry
- Cumin Seeds
- Cynomorium Stem
- Dandelion
- Dogwood Fruit (Cornus fruit, Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit)
- Edelweiss
- English Walnut Shells and Internal Partitions
- Ephedra Przewalskii. Stapf
- Fennel Seeds
- Fetid Dragonhead
- Field Pennycress
- Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil
- Giant Leucopax Mushroom
- Golden Ball Turnip greens
- Grape, Raisins
- Grass of Parnassus
- Gray Alder
- Great Plantain Leaf and Seeds
- Greater Celandine Flowers and Leaf
- Greater Celandine Oil
- Hazelnut
- Hemp-nettle
- Herbal Blend including Altain Honeysuckle
- Herbal Blend including Barbed Gentian
- Herbal Blend including Birch Shelf Fungus
- Herbal Blend including Blackberry
- Herbal Blend including Chinese Thoroughwax
- Herbal Blend including Coriander
- Herbal Blend including Cynomorium
- Herbal Blend including Globe Artichoke
- Herbal Blend including Hop cones
- Herbal Blend including Iris
- Herbal Blend including Jujube Fruits
- Herbal Blend including Juniper Berry
- Herbal Blend including Large Leaf Gentian
- Herbal Blend including Leather Bergenia
- Herbal Blend including Milk Thistle
- Herbal Blend including Pasque flower
- Herbal Blend including Pear
- Herbal Blend including Peony
- Herbal Blend including Pomegranate Peel
- Herbal Blend including Puncture Vine
- Herbal Blend including Rhubarb
- Herbal Blend including Rose Rhodiola
- Herbal Blend including Rowan Berry
- Herbal Blend including Sandy Everlasting
- Herbal Blend including Scotch Pine Needles
- Herbal Blend including Siberian Currant
- Herbal Blend including Siberian Larch Needle-like leaves
- Herbal Blend including Three-part Beggarticks
- Herbal Blend including Tiger Lily
- Herbal Blend including White Willow
- Herbal Composite Formula including Cowberry
- Herbal Composite Formula including Small daylily
- Herbal Formula including Angelica archangelica
- Herbal Formula including Anise
- Herbal Formula including Astragalus
- Herbal Formula including Birch Mushroom
- Herbal Formula including Bird Cherry Tree Berry
- Herbal Formula including Blackcurrant
- Herbal Formula including Burdock
- Herbal Formula including Chamomile
- Herbal Formula including Cinnamon
- Herbal Formula including Corn Silk
- Herbal Formula including Ephedra Przewalskii. Stapf
- Herbal Formula including Erect Hypecoum
- Herbal Formula including Fireweed
- Herbal Formula including Foursplit Rhodiola
- Herbal Formula including Great Celandine
- Herbal Formula including Hawthorn
- Herbal Formula including Hemp-nettle
- Herbal Formula including Jacob’s ladders
- Herbal Formula including Medic Burnet
- Herbal Formula including Mohilev Mallow
- Herbal Formula including Nutmeg
- Herbal Formula including Oats
- Herbal Formula including Parsley
- Herbal Formula including Potentilla viscose
- Herbal Formula including Quaking Aspen
- Herbal Formula including Raspberry
- Herbal Formula including Roselle
- Herbal Formula including Rosemary
- Herbal Formula including Schizonepeta
- Herbal Formula including Sea Buckthorn
- Herbal Formula including Seaweed
- Herbal Formula including Siberian Atragene
- Herbal Formula including Siberian Cedar and Fireweed
- Herbal Formula including Small Meadow Rue
- Herbal Formula including Speedwell
- Herbal Formula including St. John’s Wort
- Herbal Formula including Stinging nettle
- Herbal Formula including Strawberry
- Herbal Formula including Twin flower Skullcap
- Herbal Formula including Uniflower Swiss Centaury
- Herbal Formula including White Dead nettle
- Herbal Formula including Yarrow
- Herbal Formulas including Woolly Panzeria
- Herbal tincture including Greater Celandine
- High Mallow Flowers and Leaf
- Highly Processed Foods
- Hop cones
- Horse Tail
- Hyssop Leaf
- Iris Rt
- Japanese Pagoda Tree Fruits
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Jujube Fruits
- Juniper Berry
- Kidney Cleansing and Anti-Nephritis Natural Formula
- Lady’s Bedstraw aero parts
- Large leaf Gentian
- Leaf and Flowers of False lily of the valley
- Lemon Balm
- Lophanthus Leaf
- Marsh Marigold
- Marsh tea
- Masterwort Leaf and Roots
- Meadow salsify leaf, stalk and roots
- Meadowsweet Flowers, Leaf and Seeds
- Milk Thistle Seeds, Leaf and Oil
- Millet
- Mongolian Sweetvetch aeroparts
- Narrow leaved rattle
- Natural Apple Cider Vinegar
- Natural Imminity Booster
- Natural red wine vinegar
- Oak Bark
- Oat Grains and Oat Straw
- Orange peels
- Oregano Natural Blends
- Organic Medicated Dandelion Vinegar
- Organic Medicated Garlic Vinegar with mother
- Organic Medicated Longleaf Speedwell Vinegar
- Organic Medicated Raspberry Vinegar
- Organic Medicated Rhubarb Vinegar
- Orostachys aero parts
- Outer skins of onions
- Parsley Seeds and Leaf
- Pasque Flower
- Peony Flowers and Rt
- Pipsissewa Flowers and Leaf
- Potentilla viscose
- Prostrate knotweed Leaf and Flowers
- Puncture Vine Aeroparts
- Purple Coneflower Leaf
- Quaking Aspen Buds, Leaf and Bark
- Red Odontites Natural Blend
- Rhubarb Root and Stem
- Rose Hip Berry and Flowers and Leaf
- Rosemary Leaf
- Round-leaved Wintergreen
- Rowan Berry
- Schizandra Berry
- Schizonepeta
- Scorzonera divaricata Aerial Parts
- Sea Buckthorn Berries, Oil, Leaf, Bud and Bark
- Seaweeds
- Sesame Seeds and Oil
- Shilajit
- Shrubby Cinquefoil
- Siberian Atragene
- Siberian Currant Aerial Parts
- Siberian Meadow Sweet
- Siberian Nitraria Fruits and Leaf
- Siberian Pine
- Siberian crabapple Fruits and Leaf
- Silver Birch Sap
- Silver Speedwell
- Silverweed
- Small Meadow Rue Above Ground Parts
- Small daylily flower, leaf
- Sodium
- Solomon’s seal
- St. John’s Wort
- Stinging Nettle Oil
- Stinging nettle Leaf and Seeds
- Stone Bramble Leaf
- Stone Lichenes
- Strawberry leaf
- Sugar and Sugar containing Foods
- Syrian Rue Aeroparts
- Tansy Flowers and leaf
- Tea Sweetvetch
- Tinder Polypore
- True Cardаmom Seeds Powder
- Turkey tail
- Turmeric Root
- Twinflower Skullcap Aero Parts
- Vervain Flowers and Leaf
- Vervain Natural Blend
- Vetch Natural Blend
- White Clover Leaf and Flowers
- White Deadnettle Aeroparts
- White Spruce Needles
- White Willow Bark and Leaf
- Wild Celery Leaf
- Winter Blooming Bergenia Rt and Leaf
- Woolly Panzeria Aeroparts
- Yarrow
- Yellow-flowered Alfalfa flower and leaf
- Гиш /хөх сарадмаа, хэвлэг гиш, ойномын цэцэг, навч/ (Вика приятная, вика мышиная, горошек мышиный, Vetch, Vicia amoena Fisch.)
- Улиас (лавр навчит улиасны навч)
- Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээний өндөр үр дүнтэй бөгөөд эрдэм шинжилгээний туршилт, судалгаагаар нотлогдсон болохыг илэрхийлнэ.
- Ийм тэмдэг нь хүний биед сайн нөлөөтэй гэдэг нь судалгаагаар нотлогдсон. Гэхдээ бүхэл ургамлын хувьд авч үзвэл 3 одтой бүтээгдэхүүнийг арай гүйцэхгүй аж.
- Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээ, шим тэжээлийн эерэг үр дүнтэй болохыг илэрхийлнэ. Голдуу ардын уламжлалт практикт олон зуун жилийн турш өргөн хэрэглэгддэг туршлагатай. Туршилтын амьтан дээр судлагдаж сайн нь тогтоогдсон. Өчигдрийн ардын эмчилгээнд хэрэглэдэг байсан эмийн ургамал өнөөдөр шинжлэх ухаанаар нотлогдсон эмчилгээ болдог гэдгийг санаандаа авбал зохино.
- Not recommended (contraindication).