Increase blood circulation
Цусны эргэлтийг сайжруулах (монгол)
Увеличить кровообращение (ру́сский)
Remedial property
Digestive Disorders
- Selenium deficiency
Endocrine disorders
- Erectile dysfunction (ED)
Heart-Vessel and Blood System
- High levels of Cholesterol and Triglyceride
Reproductive-Tract Disorders
- Hydrosalpinx Fallopian Tube
Herbs usage indication or contraindication
- Aerial parts of Snow Lotus Saw Wort
- Aero Parts of Mongolian Pheasant’s Eye
- Aloe vera
- Alpine bistort
- Anti-Flu Herbal Formula including Ginger Root
- Anti-Insomnia & Hypertension Herbal Formula
- Astragalus
- Barberry Berry, Leaf and Crust
- Barley Grass Powder
- Beaked Sedge Rt and aeroparts
- Bee Nest Tincture
- Bee Pollen
- Bilberry Leaf and Shoots
- Black Pepper
- Bloodres Hawthorn Fruits, Leaf and Tincture
- Broadlinear Leaf Erysimum
- Calendula
- Cinnamon
- Copper Magnetic Bracelet
- Cupping therapy
- Fetid Dragonhead
- Fireweed Leaf
- Garlic
- Ginger Root
- Globe Artichoke Hearts and Leaf
- Golden Ball Turnip greens
- Grape, Raisins
- Herbal Blend including Blackberry
- Herbal Blend including False lily of the valley
- Herbal Blend including Knotweed
- Herbal Blend including Pomegranate Peel
- Herbal Blend including Scotch Pine Needles
- Herbal Blend including Sweet Basil
- Herbal Formula including Astragalus
- Herbal Formula including Bird Cherry Tree Berry
- Herbal Formula including Fireweed
- Herbal Formula including Rosemary
- Herbal Formula including Siberian Atragene
- Herbal Formula including Siberian Cedar and Fireweed
- Herbal Formula including Spinach
- Herbal Formula including St. John’s Wort
- Herbal Formula including Thyme and Motherwort
- Herbal Formula including Yarrow
- Herbal Tincture including Japanese Pagoda Tree
- Herbal Tincture including Wild Onion
- Herbal tincture including Greater Celandine
- Horseradish Root
- IQ enhancement Tincture with basil leaf
- Infused Pine Needle Oil
- Iris Rt
- Jujube Fruits
- Juniper Berry
- Lemon and Lemon Peels
- Lophanthus Leaf
- Lupine Clover Flowers and Leaf
- Magnificent Pink
- Maral root
- Mongolian Chives
- Mongolian Sweetvetch aeroparts
- Natural red wine vinegar
- Nutmeg
- Organic Medicated Rhubarb Vinegar
- Padma Natural Blend
- Parsnip Root
- Peony Flowers and Rt
- Prostrate knotweed Leaf and Flowers
- Puncture Vine Aeroparts
- Rhubarb Root and Stem
- Rose Rhodiola Root
- Rosemary Leaf
- Scotch Pine Bark
- Scotch Pine Needles
- Seaweeds
- Siberian Pine
- St. John’s Wort
- Sweet Basil Leaf
- Tiger Lily Buds and Bulbs
- True Cardаmom Seeds Powder
- Turmeric Root
- Twinflower Skullcap Aero Parts
- Uniflower Swiss Centaury
- White Spruce Needles
- Yarrow
- Башига /улаан башига, халтар цэцгийн цэцэг, навч/ (Odontites rubra)
- Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээний өндөр үр дүнтэй бөгөөд эрдэм шинжилгээний туршилт, судалгаагаар нотлогдсон болохыг илэрхийлнэ.
- Ийм тэмдэг нь хүний биед сайн нөлөөтэй гэдэг нь судалгаагаар нотлогдсон. Гэхдээ бүхэл ургамлын хувьд авч үзвэл 3 одтой бүтээгдэхүүнийг арай гүйцэхгүй аж.
- Ийм тэмдэг нь эмчилгээ, шим тэжээлийн эерэг үр дүнтэй болохыг илэрхийлнэ. Голдуу ардын уламжлалт практикт олон зуун жилийн турш өргөн хэрэглэгддэг туршлагатай. Туршилтын амьтан дээр судлагдаж сайн нь тогтоогдсон. Өчигдрийн ардын эмчилгээнд хэрэглэдэг байсан эмийн ургамал өнөөдөр шинжлэх ухаанаар нотлогдсон эмчилгээ болдог гэдгийг санаандаа авбал зохино.
- Not recommended (contraindication).